Coconut milk is often called the ‘miracle liquid‘ given its nutritional value to build the body’s immune system. It is the liquid naturally found inside the coconut, along with its relatives – Coconut water & Coconut oil, it constitutes the healthiest drinks . In South India , we begin any good deed by breaking coconuts . Poojas are not complete without coconuts and even temples , coconut is broken and given as Prasad .
Coconut oil is wholesome and healthy in many ways. The most delightful part is the lauric acid content. This amazing compound is rare in nature, except in mother’s milk.
It is especially known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial properties that can help prevent cold and flu.

Coconut oil is a great superfood . By including one tablespoon of coconut oil with other ingredients in cooking can help keep one’s immune system strong. The oil helps combat morning sickness and nausea, too
Coconut oil has multiple benefits. It’s a cleanser, moisturizer, hair conditioner, body lotion, and a salve for rashes and scratches. Applying coconut oil is suggested to ease the discomfort of dryness.
Not only for adults , it is healthier for babies, seriously by skipping all the highly-processed, petrochemicals, artificial fragrances, parabens – “baby skincare products” on the market available today
Coconut oil is highly nutritious and it has many health benefits that are similar to the health benefits of breast milk:
- This super-food’s gentle healing is able to penetrate the skin and protect the body against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.
- It is a tonic for the whole body: it boosts the metabolism, the body’s healing ability and its defenses against illnesses
- Both human milk AND coconut oil have more Saturated Fatty Acids (SaFA) than Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA) and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA).